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for Selection, Development and Coaching

Ability & Aptitude- specific, general and critical reasoning tests for selection

Personality & Solutions - cutting-edge behavioural assessments for leaders, teams, sales, service, financial, clerical roles.

GeneSys 2020 state-of-the-art сloud-based assessment

Career and Motivational Values
for career choice, change and development

Personality and Performance
for personal, performance, wellbeing
and executive coaching & development

GeneSys 360 customisable 360 degree feedback platform.

Psytech’s GeneSys 2020 provides online administration, scoring and reports

for a comprehensive range of assessments and solutions.

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Assessment for Selection
Selection with Ability and Aptitude Tests

Candidate Selection

Ability & Aptitude

Adapt G Cover


CAT Verbal, Numerical,

Abstract Reasoning

Pricing €8 to €12

Adapt-g, based on the latest and most sophisticated Computer Adaptive Testing  (CAT) technology, is an efficient way of yielding maximum  information in minimum time. Unlike classical testing, CAT testing does  not require respondents to complete a fixed set of questions. Instead,  CAT tests reveal a respondent’s ability by identifying the level of  question difficulty the respondent can successfully complete. In this  way, the test is designed to provide high accuracy and precision with  far fewer items than would be required for a typical non-adaptive test.  The Adapt-g is specifically developed to assess verbal, numerical and  abstract reasoning domains of ability. Multiple languages available.



Graduate Level Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning

Pricing €8 to €12

The Graduate Reasoning Test, GRT1, is a comprehensive and in-depth measure of mental ability, , has been  designed to assess high level reasoning ability. Suitable for management  and graduate calibre staff, it consists of three sections which can be  administered individually or together, measuring Verbal, Numerical and  Abstract reasoning ability. GRT1 provides a comprehensive assessment of high level mental ability. It is quick to complete, taking 28 minutes plus administration time. As mental ability has been consistently found to be the best single predictor of job performance, the GRT1 is an essential tool for cost-effective graduate selection and assessment. Multiple languages available.

General Reasoning Test


General Level Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning

Pricing €8 to €12

The General Reasoning Test, GRT2, is a comprehensive and in-depth measure of mental agility. GRT2 and GRTi (an item banked short-form) have been designed to assess general  reasoning ability. Suitable for non-graduate level applicants, the test  consists of three sections which can be administered individually or  together, measuring Verbal, Numerical and Abstract reasoning ability. GRT2 and GRTi have been completed by thousands of people worldwide from a variety of occupations and cultural backgrounds. As a result, an extensive range of norms exist enabling respondents’ results to be compared to those obtained by a wide range of vocational groups. Multiple languages available.



Complex Verbal and Numerical Reasoning

Pricing €8 to €12

The Critical Reasoning Test Battery, CRTB2/i is an ability that is central to all roles that  require the incumbent to take logical decisions based on complex  information. CRTB2 and CRTBi, an item-banked short form test, have been  developed to assess this core ability in a time and cost-effective  manner. The tests comprise two sub-tests which measure verbal and  numerical critical reasoning. These can be administered either  individually or together. CRTB2 and CRTBi are quicker to administer than most other critical reasoning tests. Both the verbal and numerical sub-tests can be completed in 40 minutes. Applicants find these tests to be more acceptable than traditional reasoning tests as they contain problems which are relevant to management and business functions. Multiple languages available.



Verbal, Numerical,

Clerical Checking, Spelling.

Pricing €8 to €12

The Clerical Test Battery, CTB2, consists of four tests assessing a range of clerical  aptitudes and skills: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Clerical  Checking and Spelling. Designed for general clerical and administrative  positions, tests can either be administered individually to assess a  specific aptitude or as a whole battery to produce a candidate profile. CTB2 or CTBi is quick to administer, taking only 27 minutes plus administration time. CTB2 or CTBi provides a short, yet comprehensive assessment of a broad range of core clerical aptitudes and abilities. Appropriate for all people who have achieved a basic level of education, CTB2 or CTBi is an indispensable tool for assessing clerical and junior administrative staff for recruitment, promotion and training. Completion in print form online and offline using GeneSys.



Mechanical, Spatial Reasoning, Visual Acuity, Fault Finding

Pricing €8 to €12

The Technical Test Battery, TTB2 and TTBi, measure the core skills that are required for selecting  and assessing staff for engineering apprenticeships, craft  apprenticeships or technical training. They consist of four tests, which  can be administered individually or together, Mechanical Reasoning,  Spatial Reasoning, Visual Acuity and Fault Finding. Decision-maker and candidate feedback reports are provided. Profiles in decision-maker reports present raw score, number of items attempted, sten and percentile ranks against a choice of normative samples. The group report option additionally provides decision-makers with a summary of the results from a number of respondents. Multiple languages available.

Volume Discounts: Up to to 33% on all assessments. Pricing exclusive of VAT@23%.

Personality & Solutions

15FQ Extended Report


16 Factors Assessing Thinking, Feeling, Coping, Leadership, Team, Selling Styles.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Fifteen Factor Questionnaire, 15FQ+, measures the fundamental building blocks of personality providing insight into how people typically think, feel and interact, as well as their strengths and development needs, identifying behaviours that may be productive or counter-productive The 15FQ+ maintains the breadth of the original 16 personality factors first identified by Raymond B Cattell, but sets new standards for reliability and validity. 15FQ+ has been  developed to ensure culture and gender fairness and has been adapted  into over 30 languages. The GeneSys System provides in-depth narrative profiles of Leadership,Team and Communication Styles, Derailers, Competencies and Interview prompts, and reports can be customised to focus on factors critical to your organisation.



16 Factor Applicant Customer Service Profile

Pricing €24 to €36

The 15FQ+ Ideal Profile for the role of Customer Service Representative aims to assess how well the candidate is suited to the personality requirements of this role. It does not take into account his experience, qualifications, abilities, aptitudes or interests, all of which may be important determinants of job performance. The profile similarity to the ideal is estimated using the Barrett Shaped Distance coefficient (BSD). This coefficient varies between 0 and 1 in a similar manner to a correlation coefficient, where 0 indicates no relationship between the two profiles and 1 indicates a perfect match to the ideal. The method can be customised for use with other roles your organisation is recruiting for, adding a powerful and easy-to-use selection tool to help you choose the best candidates for a position.

Personality and Values Extended Report


16 Factor Profile + Values and Derived Dimensions

Pricing €24 to €36

The Personality and Values Questionnaire, PVQ, measures the fundamental building blocks of personality as well as values and motives, providing a comprehensive insight into how people typically think, feel and interact, as well as in-depth assessment of a person’s strengths and development needs. This helps you identify behaviours that may be productive or counter-productive and is a powerful tool enabling you to select the right person for key positions in your organisation. The expert profile also provides scores on Leadership, Team and Communication Styles, Derailers, Competencies and Interview prompts, and is customisable to your organisations selection, coaching and development needs. Having been completed by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, multiple norms and language option are available.

Management Derailer Report


Millon's 10

Functional- Dysfunctional

Personality Dimensions

Pricing €24 to €36

The Leadership & Management Derailers Screening, MDS, assesses risk factors associated with leadership and management hiring decisions. The MDS describes respondents’ personality assessment results in terms of a series of dysfunctional behaviours that can present challenges for organisations in a variety of work settings. The dysfunctional behaviours assessed in this report have been developed from the American Psychiatric Association’s and the World Health Organisation’s systems for classifying personality disorders and from the seminal work of Theodore Millon on dysfunctional personality types. Despite the origin of these behaviours it should be noted, however, that the report does not assess clinical problems, but rather personality types that can be problematic in work settings.



Fine Nine Competency framework in Personal Attributes, Working with People, Tasks and Concepts.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Fine Nine Competency Framework predicts typical behaviour in each of the model’s competency domains - specific sets of skills, knowledge and behaviour required to complete particular work tasks effectively. Unlike aptitudes or personality traits, which are relatively enduring and stable over time, competencies can be acquired and refined through appropriate mentoring, coaching and training. Organisations use competencies and competency frameworks to identify, develop and reinforce specific behaviours required to achieve organisational success. The report is intended as a tool to facilitate behavioural interviews and help in selection decisions by eliciting evidence of a candidate’s actual behaviour in the workplace based on the dimensions used in this report.



Service Orientation, Interaction, Delivery, Improvement Ethics and Adaptability.

Pricing €24 to €36

Companies are fully aware that the level of service provided to  customers helps differentiate them from their competitors and increases customer satisfaction and relationships. The Customer Service Solution investigates the likelihood respondents may exhibit certain types of service related behaviours. The service domains used in this solution were developed to reflect the most important predictors of success in customer service roles, including: Service Orientation, Customer Interaction, Service Delivery, Service Improvement, Service Ethics, Adaptability and Coping. It can be used to facilitate behavioural interviews in order to inform and support selection decisions, or to identify potential gaps in performance and inform training and development of customer-facing employees.



Personality & motivational characteristics predicting effective sales  behaviour.

Pricing €24 to €36

Sales functions are the lifeblood of most organisations. They can  exponentially grow revenue and cement a business’ success. Studies have  consistently shown that the calibre of the sales force is directly  related to sales success and organisational growth. Fortunately, sales  effectiveness is a skill that can be identified and developed. The General Sales Solution assesses a range of personality and motivational  characteristics that represent a tendency towards effective sales  behaviour. The solution investigates the likelihood respondents may  exhibit certain types of sales related behaviour. It can be used to  identify potential gaps in performance, facilitate personal development  or structure behavioural interviews in order to inform and support  selection decisions.



Attitudes and actions related to safe  behaviour in the workplace

Pricing €24 to €36

The Health and Safety Solution, HSS, assesses a range of ability and  personality characteristics which have been shown to relate to safe  behaviour in the workplace. As such it can be used to ensure those selected into the organisation  can behave safely in the workplace, or to facilitate the development of  safety behaviours in existing staff. The assessment comprises a combination of targeted personality and ability measures which allows for the identification of health and safety risk factors, including: Understanding instructions, Checking and Attention to Detail, Understanding the Safety Environment, Safety Motivation, Safety Diligence, Adherence to Rules, Openness to Guidance, Safety Confidence and Safety Composure.



Individual’s personal integrity and ethics in a work context.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Work Attitude Inventory, WAI, is a measure of an individual’s personal integrity and ethics in a work context. It uses an innovative format to minimise response bias. It is designed to help reduce counter productive work behaviours. The Integrity measure investigates attitudes towards workplace issues such as: Following rules and regulations; Being respectful of authority; Conducting oneself according to high moral standards and having a strong sense of right and wrong; Conducting oneself in an honest manner; Avoiding self-serving behaviours or benefiting from others mistakes. Although workplace integrity is the main focus of the solution, it also provides additional insights into important workplace behaviours such as Meticulousness, Perseverance, Industriousness, Agreeableness and Stress Tolerance.

Volume Discounts: Up to to 33% on all assessments. Pricing exclusive of VAT@23%.

Selection with Personality and Values
Assessments for Coaching and Development
Coaching and Development with Career and Values

Development and Coaching

Career & Motivational Values

OIP Extended


Occupational interests and personal work needs.

Pricing €12 to €18

The Occupational Interest Profile, OIP is designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated assessment for career guidance and development, consisting of an occupational interest questionnaire and a measure of ‘personal work needs’. The vocational interests identify work areas which an individual is likely to enjoy whereas the work needs asses how well suited they are to different environments. A number of different reports can be generated through the GeneSys platform. These combine occupational interests and work needs and provide the option of integrating results from ability tests such as GRT 1 and 2. Focused on career exploration and choice, reports are intended to provide a basis of a discussion with a careers adviser or counselor but are also suitable for giving to the respondent to take away for further reference.



Occupational interests and personal work needs.

Pricing €12 to €18

The OIP+ Careers Assessment is a battery of tests developed for career guidance situations. It comprises of the Occupational Interest Profile Plus (OIP+) and the General Reasoning Test (GRT2), providing a comprehensive assessment of future career aptitude. OIP+ is partially based on the pioneering work of John Holland in the area of general career themes, though also includes personality characteristics, which assesses how well suited individuals are to different environments. The General Reasoning Test (GRT2) assesses the ability to reason using words, numbers and abstract concepts. It has been specifically designed to discriminate between candidates of average ability, whose aptitude is being assessed for general level employment and training.



A comprehensive assessment for career guidance and development.

Pricing €12 to €18

The Career Motivation Analysis Profile was designed to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated assessment for career guidance and development. The report provides job recommendations based on an individuals’ key interests, how well suited they are to the work environment and how capable they may be of coping with the intellectual demands of particular jobs. Eight broad patterns of career interests are measured as part of this solution are: Artistic Scientific, Logical, Managerial, Administrative, Persuasive, Practical, Nurturing. The 'Personal work needs' section helps in identifying career options that cater to the personality and individual ways of working. Excitement, Stability, Optimism, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Financial Motivation and Extraversion.



Interest and motivation, energy, and effort towards different activities.

Pricing €12 to €18

Understanding a person’s energies and drives helps identify where they are likely to gain most satisfaction and make the biggest contribution at work. The Values and Motives Inventory, VMI, is a normative self-report questionnaire which profiles a person’s motivations to determine the amount of energy and effort they are likely to expend in different activities. VMI scales have been selected not only for their relevance to the workplace. The 12 scales are grouped into three areas: Interpersonal - values which influence an individual’s approach to relationships with others; Intrinsic - values relating to personal beliefs and attitudes which guide an individual’s approach to everyday problems; and Extrinsic - values which influence behaviour in the workplace.



Preferred learning strategies.

Pricing €12 to €18

The Learning Styles Inventory, LSI, assesses a person’s learning style (Abstract-Concrete, Global-Detailed, Reflective-Active) helping them identify the strategies they most and least prefer to adopt when learning new material. It is a self-development tool that aims to help individuals maximise their learning potential by enabling them to tailor their approach to learning to match their strengths. The LSI report describes how the individual can maximise their learning potential by approaching learning situations in a way that utilises their strengths and minimises their weakness. In addition, it provides examples of activities that can be used to develop the individual’s learning style; strengthening weaknesses and expanding the range of preferred learning strategies.



Occupational stress and adjustment in Psychological Health, Job Satisfaction

and Workload.

Pricing €12 to €18

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The Employee Wellbeing Questionnaire, EWQ, was developed in a programme of research on occupational stress, and has general relevance to psychological health at work, job satisfaction and job demands, or workload. The main scales and facets are: Psychological Health: Includes the following facets: Resilience, Positive Outlook and Physical Health. Job Satisfaction. At a group or organizational level, the EWQ can: Provide an audit of occupational stress and adjustment; Identify specific jobs, departments and teams where there may be problems of workload, job satisfaction or psychological health; Measure the impact of organisational change and stress management programmes; Evaluate employee counselling and EAPs; Provide individual or teams benchmarking data; and Over time, measure the effect of programmes, wellbeing and job satisfaction.

Volume Discounts: Up to to 33% on all assessments. Pricing exclusive of VAT@23%.

Personality for Coaching and Development

Personality & Performance

15FQ Extended Report


16 Factors Assessing Thinking, Feeling, Coping, Leadership, Team, Selling Styles.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Fifteen Factor Questionnaire, 15FQ+, measures the fundamental building blocks of personality providing insight into how people typically think, feel and interact, as well as their strengths and development needs, identifying behaviours that may be productive or counter-productive The 15FQ+ maintains the breadth of the original 16 personality factors first identified by Raymond B Cattell, but sets new standards for reliability and validity. 15FQ+ has been  developed to ensure culture and gender fairness and has been adapted  into over 30 languages. The GeneSys System provides in-depth narrative profiles of Leadership,Team and Communication Styles, Derailers, Competencies and Interview prompts, and reports can be customised to focus on factors critical to coaching and developing key staff in your organisation.

Personality and Values Extended Report


16 Factor Profile + Values and Derived Dimensions

Pricing €24 to €36

The Personality and Values Questionnaire, PVQ, measures the fundamental building blocks of personality as well as values and motives, providing a comprehensive insight into how people typically think, feel and interact, as well as in-depth assessment of a person’s strengths and development needs. This helps you identify behaviours that may be productive or counter-productive and is a powerful tool enabling coaching and development in key positions in your organisation. The expert profile also provides scores on Leadership, Team and Communication Styles, Derailers, Competencies and Interview prompts, and is customisable to your organisations coaching and development needs. Having been completed by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, multiple norms and language option available.

Management Derailer Report


Millon's 10

Functional- Dysfunctional

Personality Dimensions

Pricing €24 to €36

The Leadership & Management Derailers Screening, MDS, assesses factors associated with leadership and management development. The MDS describes respondents’ personality assessment results in terms of a series of dysfunctional behaviours that can present challenges for organisations in a variety of work settings. The dysfunctional behaviours assessed in this report have been developed from the American Psychiatric Association’s and the World Health Organisation’s systems for classifying personality disorders and from the seminal work of Theodore Millon on dysfunctional personality types. Despite the origin of these behaviours it should be noted, however, that the report does not assess clinical problems, but rather personality types that can be problematic in work settings.



Fine Nine Competency framework in Personal Attributes, Working with People, Tasks and Concepts.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Fine Nine Competency Framework predicts typical behaviour in each of the model’s competency domains - specific sets of skills, knowledge and behaviour required to complete particular work tasks effectively. Unlike aptitudes or personality traits, which are relatively enduring and stable over time, competencies can be acquired and refined through appropriate mentoring, coaching and training. Organisations use competencies and competency frameworks to identify, develop and reinforce specific behaviours required to achieve organisational success. The report is intended as a tool to facilitate behavioural interviews by eliciting evidence of a candidate’s actual behaviour in the workplace based on the dimensions used in this report.


Service Orientation, Interaction, Delivery, Improvement Ethics and Adaptability.

Pricing €24 to €36

Companies are fully aware that the level of service provided to  customers helps differentiate them from their competitors and increases customer satisfaction and relationships. The Customer Service Solution investigates the likelihood respondents may exhibit certain types of service related behaviours. The service domains used in this solution were developed to reflect the most important predictors of success in customer service roles, including: Service Orientation, Customer Interaction, Service Delivery, Service Improvement, Service Ethics, Adaptability and Coping. It can be used to facilitate behavioural interviews in order to inform and support selection decisions, or to identify potential gaps in performance and inform training and development of customer-facing employees.


Traits of central importance in customer facing roles.

Pricing €24 to €36

The Occupational Personality Questionnaire, OPP, has been developed from extensive research with major international organisations and provides a focussed assessment of nine personality traits of central importance in customer facing roles. The questionnaire is written in a straight forward and direct style that is accessible to people of a wide range of abilities. Quick to administer yet providing a detailed personality assessment, the OPPro is the ideal tool to assess how a person thinks, feels and acts in occupational settings. The OPPro is supported by extensive evidence attesting to its reliability, validity and culture fairness. The OPPro is a powerful tool for identifying strengths and development needs. It is invaluable for: selection; assessment for promotion, career development and training.


Jung’s Psychological Types - a modern alternative to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ®,

Pricing €24 to €36

The Jung Type Indicator is based on the work of Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung, who identified how our preferences influence how we relate to the world and others around us. Jung’s model of Psychological Type identifies dimensions of preference: Extraversion vs. Introversion (EI), Thinking vs. Feeling (TF) and Sensing vs. Intuiting (SN). The fourth dimension, Judging vs. Perceiving (JP), identifies a person’s dominant preference towards the world as either a judging attitude (T or F) or a perceiving attitude (S or N). An alternative to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ®, the JTI assesses personality within Jung’s framework of Psychological Type. In addition to identifying a person’s preferred Type the JTI uses a scaled approach to each dimension, giving a more detailed description of preference than most Type indicators.


Attitudes and actions related to safe  behaviour in the workplace

Pricing €24 to €36

The Health and Safety Solution assesses a range of ability and  personality characteristics which have been shown to relate to safe  behaviour in the workplace. As such it can be used to ensure those in critical roles in the organisation can behave safely in the workplace, by facilitating the development of  safety behaviours in staff. The assessment comprises a combination of targeted personality and ability measures which allows for the identification of health and safety risk factors, including: Understanding instructions, Checking and Attention to Detail, Understanding the Safety Environment, Safety Motivation, Safety Diligence, Adherence to Rules, Openness to Guidance, Safety Confidence and Safety Composure.


Volume Discounts: Up to to 33% on all assessments. Pricing exclusive of VAT@23%.

Genesys 360 Degree Feedback

GeneSys 360

Expert 360 Appraisal

Psytech Genesys online testing platform for Psychometrix

GeneSys 360° provides a complete solution to solving the administrative challenges of 360° performance appraisal.

The system allows you select competencies from a comprehensive list and invite participants by email to complete the Appraisals. Once all the Appraisalss have been completed, the system collates the data and generates a detailed report.


The Competencies

GeneSys 360° implements a framework of 9 broad competency groups that, through extensive research,

have been found to be important indicators of work performance, consisting of the following components:

  • Integrity: Integrity, Dependability, Realistic Self-assessment, Risk Avoidance, Responsibility.

  • Interpersonal Skills: Relationships, Empathic, Interpersonal Support, Diplomacy, Appropriate Assertion.

  • Planning & Organising: Time Management, Future Orientated, Prioritisation, Delegation, Planning.

  • Creativity: Innovation, Adaptability, Holistic Thinking, Strategic, Ideas Generation.

  • Resilience: Emotionality, Composure, Tension, Suspiciousness, Impulsive.

  • Quality Orientation: Detail Consciousness, Task-Focus, Task Finishing, Systematic, High Standards.

  • Logical and Analytical: Rationality, Numerical Skills, Critical Appraisals, Decision making, Analytical.

  • Persuasiveness: Communication Skills, Written skills, Coaching, Social Presence, Listening Skills.

  • Energy and Drive: Energy, Self-motivation, Results Orientated, Motivating, Initiative


GeneSys 360° Online offers a number of customisation options including the facility to add your own custom competencies and the questions to assess them. The Appraisals can be personalised with your own content and logo.


A cost effective way of implementing 360° Appraisals in-house, GeneSys 360° Online enables you to use our well established competency framework or implement your own. There are no set-up charges, the user is only charged for each rater’s use of the system. The 360° Appraisals report can be generated instantly once all the ratings have been completed. Raters can be assigned either by the administrator or by the ratee. The data is stored in a secure database for further detailed analysis, audit and bench-marking.


GeneSys 360° Report

GeneSys 360° Online provides a detailed report covering all the selected competencies, with a specific focus on facilitating self awareness and personal development. The report not only highlights overall rated competencies but also how self-ratings vary from those of other participant groups. It includes a listing of rated strengths and development needs for each competency and provides full details of all obtained ratings.



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